Twitter Video Autoplay

Not so long ago, my Twitter feed started to look like a souped-up version of the newspaper in Harry Potter films: going through the feed would show a video running in a tweet. Seeing as in Harry Potter's world - with all the magic in it - they're only able to do this in black and white, I would say we're a step ahead here.

These video feeds will load by default via Wifi AND mobile networks, which you might not appreciate, depending on how much monthly data volume is available on your plan. I stumbled across
this blog entry, unfortunately the location of the setting has changed since January of this year!

To change the setting to Wifi-only, you have to do some digging. To save you some time, here is where you can find the settings in the *current* version of the iOS Twitter app:

  1. Go to the "Me" tab to see your profile.
  2. Next, click on the gear icon at the top middle, this will take you to a menu.
  3. Select "Settings" from that menu
  4. You'll be confronted with another menu, here you want to tap on General -> Data
  5. in this section, you'll find Video autoplay, which will be set to "Use mobile data and Wi-Fi"
  6. tap that and select "Use Wi-Fi only"

talk about a well-hidden option! Almost makes you think Twitter hid this so well on purpose…
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